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Welcome to the U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund

The Department of Justice and the Special Master administer the U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (USVSST Fund). Congress created the USVSST Fund by statute, to provide compensation to a specific group of international terrorism victims harmed by state-sponsored terrorism.

Since the Fund’s establishment in 2015, it has paid out over $6 billion to eligible victims. While no amount of compensation could ever repair what was lost for those devastated by acts of international terrorism, the Department and the Special Master continue to work to ensure that all available funds reach victims and their families.

The USVSST Fund provides compensation to individuals (or personal representatives of deceased individuals) who hold a final judgment issued by a United States District Court awarding the individual compensatory damages. The judgment must arise from acts of international terrorism for which a foreign state sponsor of terrorism was found not immune from the jurisdiction of U.S. courts under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA). Individuals must submit applications not later than 90 days after the date of obtaining the final judgment.

This is the only official website of the USVSST Fund. Be sure to visit this website for USVSST Fund news, program updates, and reporting; answers to frequently asked questions; access to forms and resources; and information on everything needed to file a claim.

Latest from the USVSST Fund

Special Master's Announcement Regarding Authorization of Lump Sum Catch-Up Payments for Certain Victims of the 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing and 1996 Khobar Towers Bombing
January 31, 2025

Special Master's Announcement Regarding Start of Rolling Payments for Fifth Distribution
January 6, 2025

Special Master's Announcement Regarding Authorization of the Fifth Distribution
December 31, 2024

View archived announcements

Last Updated February 4, 2025